How to overcome food addiction without OA

There are basically four types of eating disorders, but not all dependencies are classified as food. Anorexia and bulimia are diseases, defined as compulsive overeating and binge eating food addictions are generally classified. But what exactly is the basis for food addiction? Is there any substance in a particular food, chemically dependent people around them, so they have to eat uncontrollably? Now, many supporters of the dependencymodel of brain disease believed exactly that! Hypothetically speaking, the impairment of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain associated with pleasure and reward of drug is thought to be directly related to food. And these so-called compromise might work for some people more prone to compulsive overeating. They also suggest that certain foods that cause an increase in wages in the brain. So they are more addictive! In other words, high-fat,Sugar foods such as donuts are addictive soup! In fact, there are many innocuous substances and activities that have an effect on the brain, such as sugars, amino acids, and even exercise. However, this does not mean they are the cause of food dependency: Although there is no official definition of food addiction, many would describe the same function in the opposite direction as a substance "Eating too much despite the consequences, even dire consequences for Healthwith food, food preparation and meal deals, trying and failing to reduce food, binging and feeling guilty about food. "

Well, if you are not already at that time I vehemently object to the absurdity of the hypothesis of the above! In my opinion there is no such thing as an addiction to food! This hypothesis is nothing more than an opportunity for the community to a Magic Weapon medication for something, do not produceexists and is absolute nonsense at its best! As with any addiction and compulsion, addiction, food is a distraction from emotional stress. In this sense, it really is something to be said for the phrase "comfort food!" As a coach Addiction Recovery, the United States have traveled hundreds of people to help overcome investigated, I discovered the cause of addiction to eating disorders and nutrition. You see, there is a common denominatorthe root of this suffering, and it's called low self-esteem! Again and again these problems with self-esteem in emotional stress created by none other than family dysfunction. The debilitating effects of verbal abuse, physical and sexual, or control, and education literally pulverize those low self-esteem. Therefore, the key to overcoming the addiction of eating behavior is free from the dysfunctional and restore self-esteem.

Both binge eating andCompulsive overeaters tend to be overweight, although several characteristics of compulsive overeating to binge eating. Compulsive Overeaters to eat in one sitting too much, but many of them eat all day. Most compulsive overeaters find diets without success, because their emotional stress they are prohibited from joining a weight loss plan. Your eating habits are directly related to their feelings. In essence, the food of comfort and guide the attention of the compulsive eatertheir emotional pain. Binges eaters compulsive overeaters and to hide behind their appearance often with the increase in weight as a shield against the company. In their eyes, this extra layer of padding to protect their fragile self-esteem and discourage others to interact socially with them. They feel inadequate, ashamed of being overweight, and generally have a very low self-esteem.

One of the common mainstream approaches to compulsive overeating is Overeaters Anonymous,that is the philosophy of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous adopted. The goal of the program is a spiritual transformation, but ironically, the program tends to defects of character, to focus personal flaws and the admission of impotence. This approach leads to self-incrimination, and that effectively prevents a spiritual connection. Compulsive overeaters a level of self-esteem is usually at the bottom, so why teach them self-incrimination and self-pity? I believe that the admissionimpotent, not to promote the emancipation not restore self-esteem! In my opinion, the Twelve Steps are a lot of unnecessary and counterproductive to the recovery of addiction. In fact, the majority of participants get stuck over-eating in their emotional wounds and contract what I like to call wounditis (victimization.) Combine this with the loss of power to label someone as Food Addict, or obsessive-compulsive disorder and you have a recipe for disaster self-esteem.

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