Eating disorders are terrible diseases that millions of people around the world follow. Many do not know what these diseases are serious, but they are deadly, in fact, and claim the lives of innocent people every day. Food is the basic source of energy for the human body, and unfortunately many people have an unhealthy relationship with him. Bulimia is an illness, the victims to eat large amounts of food and then vomit in an attempt to stop due to weight gain. Bulimiadevastating effects on the body and mind. Victims often have low self-esteem and poor self-image, which makes them unattractive and undesirable. Bulimia nervosa causes people to take drastic measures to look attractive. Throw up the large amount of food consumed, the person who tries to rid the body of calories and prevent weight gain. Needless to say, bulimia nervosa is a terrible disease that causes massive damage to the body.
Bulimia causes of depression,Anxiety, and a very unhealthy relationship with food in general. The constant binging and purging, is torturing the body in many ways. The human body can not handle the amount of food consumed by the stress on the digestive system. If the person vomits the food, stomach acid comes into contact with the neck, causing damage to the esophagus over time. Depriving your body of food upsets the metabolism of natural organisms and they need food. Many people do not knowRecognizing that food is not only energy and calories, but the material necessary for the maintenance of all the basic functions of the body.
There are many symptoms of bulimia nervosa. People with bulimia nervosa fatigue, headaches, weight loss and massive weight gain, and self-loathing and depression sufferers. It is often difficult, if people with this disease first hand how many people with bulimia and performers seem to be quite normal.
Long-term effects if bulimianervosa include stomach ulcers, constant dehydration, irregular heartbeat, resulting in possible heart attack, long-term depression and chemical imbalances and the removal of tooth enamel from stomach acid, take away. The risks to health in the long term, in addition to short-term consequences are enough to scare any of bulimia. But many people still continue this unhealthy behavior, and ultimately lethal.
There's nothing worse than someone Interest you or fall prey to love, a deadly eating disorder such as bulimia nervosa. Help available for those who want to fight their disease, although many people with bulimia do not allow the people and persuade rather heavy that they need help. If you or someone you care about is bulimia nervosa, they need help. Let's not kid ourselves, this eating disorder is fatal and cause irreparable damage to the body. Do not wait until this deadly food'Tole disorder takes on the victim, act now and ask for help for you or your loved ones!
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