The supercharger Eating Disorder

compulsive overeating is an eating disorder, and you have a strong tendency to eat. Like all other types of addiction, if you suffer from compulsive overeating, is constantly crave for food even if you do not need to consume the whole lot. You end up stuffing themselves and not realize that you should stop as it is already full.

compulsive overeating is often associated with binge eating, which is a similar confusion, but the food seriously> Disorder. Binge eating is characterized by acts of uncontrollable overeating. However, binge eating is a psychological and emotional impact compared with compulsive overeating.

One major difference is that if you suffer from compulsive overeating, usually feels happy after a meal. Do you feel that your desire is satisfied, even if the amount you eat as an exaggeration. However, if you suffer from binge eating, you do not need to feel after eating pleasure, but a sense ofguilt, depression and disgust that will not be able to deal with issues of control of the parties you've eaten.

As depression is largely absent in the case of compulsive eating, is considered less dangerous than binge eating, as they have a lower chance is turning into bulimia. However, compulsive overeating during the shift of weight in a binge eating disorder, if the form and you will be affected emotionally and psychologically your body.

The causes ofboth forms of eating disorders are similar, but both are emotional or psychological. Just like smoking, the body is not craving a cigarette afterwards, but the spirit.

In the case of compulsive overeating, you can eat because you feel stressed or depressed about some problems. The danger is that if this habit of turning into an addiction, you find that they have no control.

At the first signs of compulsive overeating, you shouldbe treated. Do not wait until there is binge eating, take action before the escalation. Until then, it faces a major challenge and may require a longer recovery period.

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