How to overcome food addiction without OA

There are basically four types of eating disorders, but not all dependencies are classified as food. Anorexia and bulimia are diseases, defined as compulsive overeating and binge eating food addictions are generally classified. But what exactly is the basis for food addiction? Is there any substance in a particular food, chemically dependent people around them, so they have to eat uncontrollably? Now, many supporters of the dependencymodel of brain disease believed exactly that! Hypothetically speaking, the impairment of dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain associated with pleasure and reward of drug is thought to be directly related to food. And these so-called compromise might work for some people more prone to compulsive overeating. They also suggest that certain foods that cause an increase in wages in the brain. So they are more addictive! In other words, high-fat,Sugar foods such as donuts are addictive soup! In fact, there are many innocuous substances and activities that have an effect on the brain, such as sugars, amino acids, and even exercise. However, this does not mean they are the cause of food dependency: Although there is no official definition of food addiction, many would describe the same function in the opposite direction as a substance "Eating too much despite the consequences, even dire consequences for Healthwith food, food preparation and meal deals, trying and failing to reduce food, binging and feeling guilty about food. "

Well, if you are not already at that time I vehemently object to the absurdity of the hypothesis of the above! In my opinion there is no such thing as an addiction to food! This hypothesis is nothing more than an opportunity for the community to a Magic Weapon medication for something, do not produceexists and is absolute nonsense at its best! As with any addiction and compulsion, addiction, food is a distraction from emotional stress. In this sense, it really is something to be said for the phrase "comfort food!" As a coach Addiction Recovery, the United States have traveled hundreds of people to help overcome investigated, I discovered the cause of addiction to eating disorders and nutrition. You see, there is a common denominatorthe root of this suffering, and it's called low self-esteem! Again and again these problems with self-esteem in emotional stress created by none other than family dysfunction. The debilitating effects of verbal abuse, physical and sexual, or control, and education literally pulverize those low self-esteem. Therefore, the key to overcoming the addiction of eating behavior is free from the dysfunctional and restore self-esteem.

Both binge eating andCompulsive overeaters tend to be overweight, although several characteristics of compulsive overeating to binge eating. Compulsive Overeaters to eat in one sitting too much, but many of them eat all day. Most compulsive overeaters find diets without success, because their emotional stress they are prohibited from joining a weight loss plan. Your eating habits are directly related to their feelings. In essence, the food of comfort and guide the attention of the compulsive eatertheir emotional pain. Binges eaters compulsive overeaters and to hide behind their appearance often with the increase in weight as a shield against the company. In their eyes, this extra layer of padding to protect their fragile self-esteem and discourage others to interact socially with them. They feel inadequate, ashamed of being overweight, and generally have a very low self-esteem.

One of the common mainstream approaches to compulsive overeating is Overeaters Anonymous,that is the philosophy of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous adopted. The goal of the program is a spiritual transformation, but ironically, the program tends to defects of character, to focus personal flaws and the admission of impotence. This approach leads to self-incrimination, and that effectively prevents a spiritual connection. Compulsive overeaters a level of self-esteem is usually at the bottom, so why teach them self-incrimination and self-pity? I believe that the admissionimpotent, not to promote the emancipation not restore self-esteem! In my opinion, the Twelve Steps are a lot of unnecessary and counterproductive to the recovery of addiction. In fact, the majority of participants get stuck over-eating in their emotional wounds and contract what I like to call wounditis (victimization.) Combine this with the loss of power to label someone as Food Addict, or obsessive-compulsive disorder and you have a recipe for disaster self-esteem.

The Addiction Freedom Coach
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Proposal for institutional injustices for mental illness and drug addiction correct patient

Put the material beyond the reach of millions of Americans - over the last 50 years we are in the institutionalization of people with mental illness, often in inhuman conditions, locked in a move unprecedented and alarming rate. These people are not all equal. They are a heterogeneous group.

>> A small subgroup of patients do not resemble the former State hospitals and their presence in our jails / prisons is one of the most blatant and disturbing images that youcare systems failed. The availability of models for intensive care, including treatment in hospital for some is critical.

>> Many more people with mental illness in our prisons are less debilitating, and access to proper care and community support to do very well.

>> A third group includes people with mental illness, the characteristics associated with the arrest of high rates of recurrence have. These individuals would be better served with a good treatment andclaims, which include interventions targeting their risk factors for dynamic arrest.

When we on the needs of these people to take the legitimate concerns of public safety, all members of the community try to conditions in these prisons, which are designed to hold and not for therapeutic purposes, which are often far worse than the conditions in hospitals described in 1940. In addition, if the people involved with co-occurring disorders leave justicePrisons, are pushing for recycling again and again left alone by the criminal justice system. In addition, people who are involved in the justice system is often the additional stigma of criminal records, access to basic needs of the community, how do you say housing, education and employment, to get even more difficult.

The ability to form effective to implement, and report to the treatment provider of quality servicesMeeting the needs of specialized treatment is critical to creating an effective system of community care for people experiencing serious mental illness. In the absence of what is now seen as essential services for people with mental illness in the community, people will continue to be more expensive, low-end services in hospitals, crisis centers, emergency room and the judiciary will be forced.

The result is a recycling of individuals between prisons, detention centers,Shelters, shelters for the homeless and short-term - public health, public safety, public administration and the implications are frighteningly high. Now more than ever, as we strive to care for our most vulnerable citizens, we have this serious threat to public health and public security crisis. It 's time to open and honest about the deplorable conditions that exist and take action to solve them. Here is a solution in the form of a plan in 2 phases.


>> Managing Forensic Intensive Case
>> Housing Support
>> Peer Support
>> Drugs accessible and appropriate

These four services are those that we believe are minimally necessary to break the cycle of the disease, the arrest and imprisonment, and recidivism. We believe that these services - quickly, economically and implemented with positive results - described briefly below. However, these benefits can only be effective if the programs that arestructured and composed of people who understand and are willing to trauma as a risk factor for mental problems and address criminal justice involvement. A trauma informed system that can secure the specific characteristics of the trauma, please, health and public safety, and to transform the lives of individuals.

Forensic Intensive Case Management (FICM) is justice for the people involved with the multiple and complex needs and functions of the services provided, when and where you need designed.FICM focused instead on agency providing services directly, making it less expensive than ACT. For a model of mediation service to be effective, communities need accessible and appropriate services that can be connected to the people. What makes these services "forensic" and "Criminal Justice savvy", it means that suppliers to understand the criminal justice system and the dilemmas of participating customers.

housing support for mental health patients is durable, affordableBody in conjunction with a wide range of support services, including treatment of mental disorders and related substances. Housing support can significantly reduce the likelihood of a relapse in prisons and penitentiaries, and is less expensive on a daily basis as a prison or prison. Unfortunately, affordable housing in short supply in many communities and ex-offenders with drug offenses often have problems for public housing assistance. Accommodation for ex-offenders must balance the needs ofThe monitoring and the provision of social services.

peer support services can expand the continuum of services for people with and substance-related mental disorders and can help you manage your treatment. Forensic Peer Specialists bring practical experience with systems of multiple services and the possibility of one-to-one for people who struggle for life belongs to recover. The practice of consumer-driven care - such as the inclusion of consumers, mental health service as an example Design, delivery and evaluation - is the heart of a transformed mental health system.

Internet and related drugs supports continuity of care for people with mental disorders, their treatment is often disturbed when they are involved in the criminal justice system. They may not be an appropriate medication in jail or prison, or an adequate follow-up when they return to the community. E 'imperative that people use to mental illness and co-occurring substanceDisorders> have identified access to the right drug at the right dose for their condition as a medical doctor by the individual with his own.

Step 2:

Obviously, the Phase 1 services are necessary but not sufficient. Services in support of the system of basic care are more evidence-based practices for people with severe mental illness. These services can be costly or difficult to implement than the four mentioned above, but we encourage the States andCommunity and development of these services by consolidating support in politics, in practice, and to move the implementation worthwhile.

Phase 2 includes:

>> Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment, which provides treatment for substance-related mental disorders at the same time and in the same setting

>> Supported employment, an evidence-based practice that helps to find people with mental illness to obtain and maintain competitive employment

>>assertive community treatment (ACT) / Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT), a model of service delivery in which treatment is delivered by a team of professionals providing services, which is an individual needs to determine the time necessary and

>> Cognitive behavioral therapy aimed to insult specific risk factors, a series of interventions, within the two institutional and community settings that have a value if it extends the research communityTreatment programs.

This list of evidence-based practices and promising, is not an exhaustive list of examples. Obviously there are many things that can be jail or a substance to be done to prevent persons with mental disorders and the use of arrest and detention and returned successfully to their communities in prison. We understand that in times of financial difficulty, of new dollars may not be available. However, even if the money is not always change for new systems, new ways of thinking requiredam.

To public health and public security needs of our communities requires a full year of collaboration, both behavioral health and criminal justice. Nor can we continue as before. The criminal justice system needs to do the job properly screening, assessment and individualized interventions for prisoners and inmates identified with mental diseases. Researchers from the behavior of the health system is necessary to refine and deliver evidence-based practices with aAware of its responsibility not only to improve the lives of their customers, but to factors that place with criminal recidivism in these clients and customers more directly involved as partners in a process of recovery that the concerns of the community to recognize public safety interventions address.

We must go to a day when people with mental health and substance use disorders do not receive the effective interventions in communities need and deserve, and the jails and prisonsmost are forced to serve as the primary de facto treatment facilities. We know what works to meet the needs of people with mental health and substance-related disorders that have been successful contacts with the criminal justice system, we must now do what works. The time to act is now!

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Understanding of the nature of an addiction to Facebook

Facebook has become an indispensable means to connect with old friends, finding a mate as possible, searching for jobs to start a business, play, and even send virtual gifts to the people. Because of its revolutionary applications, the social networking site mentioned above is now regarded as one of the most popular Web-based social media world today with over 350 million users since its founding in 2004. However, there are a growing number of researchers indicate that more peopleare likely to use drugs this social networking tool with a frequency that is well above the normal rate of 55 minutes a day, maybe the risk. And yes, this may sound funny, but claims to uphold the truth of the impression that there is dependence on social networks.

Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD) is a relatively new psychological disorder psychologists listed by the United States. The requirement applies to those people who are addicted to these socialNetworking site, which has affected many aspects of their lives to negative due to their excessive use of these Web-based tool. The problem starts to arise when end users unaware of their family and work commitments because they find the virtual world of fun on this site rather than the real world. Therefore, they tend to spend more time online, irrespective of their lives offline.

According to the American psychologist, is the number of people continuing with FADincreases. In reality, the disorder is now common in universities, often triggered by hours of free Internet access, Web-based homework and unstructured blocks. It was also found that the old type of dependency, often affect young people aged 12-17 years.

Psychologists claim that could result in more frequent use of Facebook, the so-called intermittent reinforcement. This means that the notifications, invites, news, games and other applicationssaid social networking site won the end-user a high similar to gambling and unpredictable as the anticipation builds as the risk of being addicted to this activity. In addition, as people have a sense of self, knowledge, social networking site an avenue for end users to make the world, their interests and share what they have considered himself as without. Thus, a simple comment on a post that is a lot to increase their self-esteem andmore time online solicit positive feedback from others, are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of the growing social phenomenon.

You know, if you want, if you have distance learning, you can look at some of the most significant signs said addiction. The first thing is tolerance, there is a constant need more time with the most appropriate site for the satisfaction that frequently are to spend to stay up to medialate and skipping meals, just to take part in online activities. Secondly, if there is a reduction of use, it causes stress on your page as well as anxiety and obsessive thoughts about messages, etc. Third, recreational activities have been severely reduced, or all social activities will be conducted online. Fourth, you get to skip work and other important initiatives in favor of going online, only a small taste of what other people think or say your post to help with your chatFriends.

As with any addiction, FAD is not something that you immediately cease all in one. You can not just eliminate the presence of the Internet in your life, but the most important key is as simple as identifying the triggers and change your habits. You know what you made in your life, what you use on this web-based social support, and what you should do instead is not present. Limit the use of this social networking tool can be done with a timetable to curb yourBehavior. Although this is not an easy task to achieve, this is a good beginning for you to take control of your life.

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The veterans and the victims - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder May Lead to Addiction

The war and natural disasters of all kinds, such as the 9 / 11 attacks and Hurricane Katrina has caused anguish for their survivors, including one that is a common disease for veterans and victims of natural disasters, or Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD-post. Untreated PTSD often leads to alcohol and drug abuse, as victims struggle to cope with them and also the treatment of this anguish.For already victims of mental or physical and psychological abuse and traumawho are trauma, injury or death, mental anguish or serious depression that PTSD could be transient if it lasts only a few months after the experience of the event (s). This pain is normal and appropriate counseling can prevent the onset of PTSD, which occurs after at least three months after exposure to trauma. Six months or even years may pass before the surface PTSD symptoms. At any time, the percentage of Americans who suffer from PTSD for about fourPercent.

New evidence from the World Trade Center Health Registry in a report published in the New York Health Department, an e-World Trade Center rescue and recovery workers developed the disease eight. PTSD is clearly demonstrated by the return of veterans of the war in Iraq, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has clearly confirmed the link between drug abuse and alcohol abuse and PTSD. Although problems like drug abuse and anxiety disorders are very commonamong veterans of the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, soldiers are often ashamed to let mental health problems. A report by the American Psychological Association, the APA Presidential Task Force on Military Deployment Services for young people, families and members of the services, the mental health of soldiers and their families are straining the current military system of mental health.

You can not understand the impact of Katrina on its survivors and 11.9 for the years to come, we do not knowEffects of trauma and chronic anxiety over Iraq and Afghanistan war vets, but 15 or 500 000 percent of Vietnam veterans with PTSD were diagnosed.

Experiences of PTSD

With PTSD, people often experience flashbacks, as if to relive a traumatic event. Sleep disorders or people of experience, often focusing fits of anger or disability. PTSD can lead straight into a club DIS from the reality of extreme mental anguish and inability to work or relationships. In aeffort to stun the disabling effects, a new disability, dependence on sedatives or alcohol abuse often evolves.Victims often sexual experience chronic PTSD, and at the Hanley Center for Women's Recovery Center [/] women.html we found that 80 percent of female patients for drug or alcohol dependency have experienced abuse, usually sexually. Create a safe environment for the treatment of genderfirst step to reconnecting many.Victims Hurricane Katrina were widely reported by PTSD, many of which are discouraged or turn to alcohol and drugs to suffer. PTSD affects every family of every victim. If PTSD is part of a context dependency, the disease of addiction should be treated together with the disease.

The treatment of drug abusers with PTSD: Creating a safe environment.

Early in the primary side of the treatment isimperative that a safe environment of care provided. As with previous episodes of a hurricane once again experiencing the traumatic event (s) may worsen the situation. In a comprehensive treatment program is the Twelve Step philosophy, the basis on which to build a multi-disciplinary treatment program, the treatment of body, mind and soul.

The incidence of dual diagnosis, such as co-occurring drug dependence with anxiety disorders such as PTSD, depression or othermental health problems is growing. A treatment program must evaluate the success based on a mental and physical health takes notice that the examination of the whole person, for the long-term treatment therapies for patients with co-occurring disorders such as alcoholism and PTSD drug therapy may be appropriate in an integrated approach to wellness such as yoga, meditation and water exercises and interactive and expressive therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy andMotivational interviewing (MI). With MI, the patients on their own time to get involved in their recovery process. Arts Therapy from sculpture to painting and writing can help patients work through painful experiences and to express in a healing process. Animal-assisted therapy has been found to upload patients to express an emotional connection to another being, and love and joy.

Addiction is a family of diseases, and combined with a chronic anxiety disorders arecan understand and certainly difficult to interfere. PTSD often requires prolonged treatment, as well. The family program, which includes a program of co-dependency is an educational experience that families of patients helps to understand the dysfunctional family systems and helps them to lean how to build a healthy family patterns of interaction and support. care plans continues to encourage and support participation in the current twelve-step program and, if appropriate,ongoing outpatient treatment, living sometimes in combination with the transitional provisions.

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Video game addiction symptoms - Ten signs of psychological

Although the video game addiction is still no official psychiatric diagnosis, it is reasonable to conclude that a few more games to give players too much computation time involved with the line and that this is a serious impact on their lives in the real world. "

In an attempt to define the symptoms of video game addiction researchers first examined the diagnostic criteria for other more famous obsessive behaviors.

For example, in the diagnosisand Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), Pathological gambling is classified as a disorder of impulse control and includes symptoms such as concern about gambling, the need to play more time, irritability, it is necessary to close or restrict gambling, involvement in order to finance illegal activities, habits and dependence on others to provide money for the desperate financial situation.

It 'been a good start to clear signs of excessive gamblingmostly by objective criteria. However, adaptation of the symptoms of a disease, a condition more suitable for a considerable handicap. For example, video game addict is unlikely to be involved in illegal activities to finance his habit, and it is not clear that the concept of "high" that comes from larger bets, and gambling addiction can be tailored to the needs the game.

As such, researchers and mental health professionals have begun to suggest,classify the symptoms of addiction to video games, adaptation to rely less on the criteria for other diseases.

This system suggests that the symptoms of addiction to gambling is four videos can be divided into categories - psychological symptoms, physical symptoms, behavioral and relational symptoms.

With this classification in mind, below. It 's a list of ten psychological symptoms of video game addiction video game by re-Dependence is not an official psychiatric disorders, keep in mind that an official list of diagnostic symptoms. However, it is based on current research on and clinical work with people who have argued for the use of excessive gambling.

1. Guilt, remorse, and the time after the game wasted a lot longer than originally planned

2. Feelings of irritability, depression, frustration, or lethargy, if not more than a gamefew days

3. strong feelings of guilt, if not become part of their team line in preparation for a mission or research

4. Often experience a distorted sense of time, as the perception that only an hour has passed, when in fact the person who played for three or four hours

5. Common reasons for use that are considered too high by most of the other ("I only use it to relax, what's wrong with this?")

6. A significant loss of interest in activitiesor hobbies once enjoyed the players

7. Experience a sense of contentment, peace and quiet when you have games that are not otherwise

8. Often think about their next game session, when other activities or persons involved (eg, school, friends, work, etc.)

9. Often minimize the negative impact of excessive gambling ("At least I'm not addicted to drugs or alcohol")

10. significantly reduced interest in academic and /or success at work.

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Astro analysis of the dependence

Dependence] defines drugs as a psychological dependence on psychoactive substances [such as alcohol, tobacco e.

If someone is addicted, it is thought captive in a complex behavioral disorder, can not control his actions e.

Unwillingness and inability to stop the compulsive behavior to harm, despite its difficulties and is native to the sure sign of addiction.

Factors in addictionAstrology:

Ascendant: personality of the person.

Luna: Show intellectual inclinations and mental disorders.

Venus is the significant drug and alcohol

Saturn has obstacles in life, smoking, drugs and

Sun: represents the strength of will, show-dependency for non-food vegetarian

Mars: AddictionAlcohol.

Rahu / Ketu: Rausch, phobias, psychological and psychiatric disorders, abnormal behaviors and addictions.

12. House shows alcoholism.

Unique combination of an addict:


Malice in the ascending line shows dependence.
The Lord of the Ascendant aspect of Mars shows dependence.
The Lord of the Ascendant is as weak and needyaddictive behaviors.
The Lord of the Ascendant is weak / set / line between evil / hostility in the house and the moon is weak in the horoscope shows a tendency to be addicted.
The Lord of the Ascendant is weak, the Moon combines with Venus Rahu / Ketu in the horoscope indicate weak and dependent.

12. House:

Malefic planets in the second set, 11 and 12 House can lead to anxiety and mental stress.
Lord of 12 ° is an evil and evil is a planet in the 12 ° setHouse shows, unnecessary costs to immoral ends.
Saturn / Rahu in the 12th House can lead to long-term dependency.


Venus with Rahu / Ketu are some trends dependence owned attraction.
Venus in the sixth shows alcoholism and drug addiction.

Rahu / Ketu:

Sun and Moon afflicted by Rahu / Ketu are employed.
Jupiter and Rahu combining shows 4th/6th/12th compulsive smokingHabit.


Saturn is the lord of the ascendant, Venus in the eighth set and aspect of Saturn, as the highly addictive nature.
Sun and Moon in the 7th aspect of Saturn as the desire to smoke.


Horoscopes accused debilitated Jupiter in the presence of some obsessive-compulsive disorder dependencies.
Mars, Saturn and Rahu combining in a house, gives the dependence long.
Mars or any other evil in 3rd/11th,Friends show addicts.


Geeta JI [faith healer]


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What are online addiction

The beauty of the Internet is that it gives us immediate access to everything we do. Shopping, gambling, information, meet people to do things that we should not simply do. This beauty, however, many people with a food addiction.

While there is currently a great debate on whether or not a problem of dependence on a diagnosis online is legitimate or part of a larger, one can not deny that there are some behaviors thatThat happen online meet-in fact, the Guidelines as an addiction.

First understand what an addiction addiction help you decide if the conduct is a line. A dependency is an activity that you can not live, it feels forced, forced to do something that the driving force, despite the fact that you know, the activity is not healthy or harmful to health, social life and mental state.

With this knowledge, then see what is offeredand we can start looking at what the employees are in line. There are on-line pornography, both adults and children, the two could cause you to have your job, your family, your friends, and yet people are still forced to lose him to participate in the activity.

Later the two types of pornography in prison and six in the country. Some people may say that you should be allowed to do what they want in the privacy of your own home as long as it harms no one is.

I wonderIt is an honest look at an addiction to pornography on-line when it occurs, is online, the chances are higher that offline, the only ... and harms the people around you ... and in the case of children, that promote the continued exploitation of children, and they need help.

A second online gambling addiction and gambling online. Now these two completely different dependencies. There are many games that can be played online, notany type of gambling, people are just "addicted" to play the game they contain.

Online gambling addiction can be one too, if it consumes your life when you build your base time for family and gambling and social life savings, risking every day.

Again, as before, if the gambling is going on the Internet, chances are that a person is playing in the real world. There is a difference between something for the restFor the occasion, but it is time that the "opportunity" is not a face every day.

A third type of dependency is online social networking sites. While connecting them to the average person and are familiar with large hooks lost friends or new people, there are those who wish us to a surplus. The composition of channels online for hours to get in touch with people and developing inappropriate relationships can be considered a narcotic online.

L 'Key here is that the Internet is instant gratification, you can fill a "need" that a person has and does so with a rejection or a question. A person who is an underlying psychological problem can be easily led to things online. If you believe that you or someone you love has a problem, seek professional help.

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Creating a powerful addiction to heroin is relatively simple. The best evidence of an addiction is when a person has a negative impact reached a point where, despite the compulsion to use drugs.

Heroin is to act very quickly when snorted, injected or smoked. Brain is rapidly flooding the user with a feeling of euphoria. This "high" comes on quickly and occur very quickly. The loss of the euphoric feeling is so stark contrast to theAddicts> looking for another high. This leads to heroin several times a day.

Therefore, able to develop heroin addiction rather quickly. Unfortunately it is not so easy to beat an addiction. Many addicts try to stop on your own. Most of the time is not effective, but it is still possible.

The treatment will probably need to beat a heroin addiction. It 'important to understand that the treatment is less than three months is not very effective.Sometimes the treatment lasts a year or more.

Effective treatment involves many aspects of life of the addict. It can be helped by a variety of services beyond a basic treatment. Family counseling and the inclusion of family members during treatment, the addict can be very useful.

Often an addict has many health, social or psychological problems with addiction, which complicates treatment. All these questions needdesigned to provide for the greatest chance of successful treatment.

chemically similar drugs or methadone can be used at first, stabilize addicts. But in the end the need for treatment will probably not occur if the drug is no longer necessary. There are many factors to be addressed. The use of medications can help prevent behavioral problems that non-drug addicts may suffer without the presence of heroin.

Users who try heroin while onMethadone is often found that the effect of heroin largely blocked by the drug. This is an added advantage for the drug in combination with treatment.

Unfortunately, drug use causes permanent changes in the brain. social environment can cause queuing the request for the use of new drugs. certain odors, see, that someone knew the drug or during its variety of other sensory stimuli or events still a spark of desire for heroin.

NotSurprisingly, there are many people in a drug treatment program will have on the criminal justice system. It is believed that the rate of success for the treatment of drug addicts through the system of equal opportunity for success than those who get treatment through other channels have.

Heroin addicts are at increased risk of HIV through needle sharing and, perhaps, from the practices that allow the financing of drug use. The treatment has been shown that the probability of acceptanceHIV infection up to six times.

The bottom line is that heroin addiction is curable. Not all treatment programs as effectively. What works best to be specific to the individual. The treatment may not be sufficient to prevent relapse. Do not be surprised if more than one treatment period is required. The ultimate goal is abstinence from drugs.

If you or someone you love is addicted to heroin, you should contact your medical assistance and treatment as soon as possiblepossible. Next: Learn more about this at the following link directly below.

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In previous days, are used for players to Las Vegas or Atlantic City trekking to some real action they crave. Now the scenario has changed completely. Players can find the real emotion in their cities in those days.

Today, a legal gambling industries in its rapid growth in America has become. The growing popularity of the game, many people associated with this industry do a lot of money made.

Unfortunately, playing a sort ofAddiction> for most people involved in this game are people in this game as fun to watch, looking behavior, but sometimes it is really difficult to get rid of these actions or even avoid a certain kind of emotional pain.

Playing in a broader perspective, addiction is a type of behavior that results in serious disturbances in any area of life. You can suffer a life of physical, social or professional.

According to the American PsychologicalAssociation, gambling can be classified as compulsive or are referred to as a type of mental disorder of impulse control. It 'also used as a sort of chronic and progressive, is called diagnosable and treatable. According to research, from 2 to 4 percent of Americans have already developed an addiction to gambling.

Here are some of the causes of gambling addiction:

The causes of gambling addiction are not yet known. But research has manyComments and reached the following conclusions:

a) exceeds the exposure to gambling in certain circumstances where it is evaluated.

b) greater capacity for self-deception.

c) feeling unbearable state such as depression, helplessness or guilt.

A player would show the immersive experience the following symptoms:

a lounge chair)

b) stolen money

c) over-indebtedness.

d) loss of control.

e) Escapes

f) IllegalLicense

g) Tolerance

h) Withdrawal

i) the increased risk of significant relationship

j) Bailout

k) for employment

The state of employment is when the player always thinks gambling. The individual can recall his experiences in the past. The life of the player gets the gambling and other ways to obtain money for gambling is limited. Players at this stage can spend the money for some other purpose in order to fulfillSatisfaction derived games.

a) Often a player is tolerant of gambling. Here we take a lot of money to players.

b) stop playing suddenly can lead to withdrawal. This process can be very irritable too, whenever he or she tries to play less or quit playing.

c) Dependence on gambling can lead to lying to friends, family and neighbors and love.

d) A player loses control of his addictionGambling.

Gambling is not good for the individual life. Getting addicted to this game, a lot of negative effects. Here are some common problems that a person can fall for gambling.

a) loss of employment or unemployment

b) Debt

c) Failure

d) fraud

e) misappropriation

f) Forgery

g) To be involved in criminal activities

h) the arrest

i) Imprisonment

j) Lack of physical and mental health

k) Attempted suicide

If you get rid ofdependence, it is very important to seek professional help. You can go for various treatments for addiction to gambling get rid of.

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The principles of the 12 Steps of Addiction Recovery

The principles of the 12 steps can be understood very difficult or very simple. This is an attempt, the importance of the principles are the 12 steps for those who can simplify the issues. These are the principles that are integrated into our daily lives such as walking. "The use of any of these behaviors will help to build a life of greater self-esteem and self confidence. So, in my never ending quest to keep it simple, here are principles of actiontwelve steps:

1. Honesty - The operative rule of Phase 1 is honesty. If you can not get honest about the scope of the problem, and honestly a sincere effort to resolve it will not succeed. Do you want to fool with a definition of honesty as the lack of will? Those who seek to deceive? Us

2. Hope - To perform a recovery rate of drug addiction, we must have hope of success. If there is no hope, try, why? Perhaps we have our own, not asto help recruitment? One way to transmit hope you can see, the recovery is not a question of ability, finally, there are millions in recovery, but perseverance and application.

3. Faith - from this phase of action to deal with the relaxation skills learned. You can help to find, but you also need to use it. Our task has become ready to do the right thing. A simple way to the "next right thing 'is not to engage in his behavior. Have faith, it isto work.

4. Courage - This step is really the courage to honestly (see step 1) look at us. Take a look at how our behavior is transferred to us to justify the behavior further. We are here to make an honest assessment of ourselves.

5. Integrity - we have really done a thorough job of introspection and evaluation of assets and our faults, we have the integrity to own up to it? It can be very difficult to open and honest about our past behavior. We accept the needfor a dose of humility.

6. Readiness - Now that we have reached an inventory of good and not so good aspects of our character and behavior, we are ready to change? All of them? The most important part of this principle, point 12 is willing to let go of old behaviors.

7. Humility - here we move further into action, were in step 6, we are ready, as we have from our old behaviors, now we are asking for help to really let go. We can learn to forgive?

8.Discipline and Action - We will continue to remove the barriers that can block growth sober. We are always ready to sweep our side of the street clean. Make a list of all those people who have both been damaged by actions and not to present live up to commitments.

9. Forgiveness - asking forgiveness from those we have hurt intentionally or unintentionally, is the need of the moment. An important point here is to try to injuries caused by these measures, not just words correctly. E 'It is strongly recommended guidance and assistance will be used here. Asking for forgiveness is not a gift to another person, but an act of kindness to you.

10. Acceptance - to be human to make mistakes. We hope that our journey has brought us to where we can easily admit their mistakes and take us out for imperfect. We must also learn to not depend on others, but accepted, as they are, not our vision of who should be.

11. Knowledge and awareness - Here we look 'and their awareness for our journey to know our purpose in life and actively pursues. I believe that this principle is to know as you have just made contact with the hustle and bustle of life, so that the conscious effort to do the right thing and at peace.

12. Service and gratitude - with about a personality change sufficient to do to remain in recovery, we have the power to the new standards by which we live, to demonstrate in our daily lives by example. We are looking for help andothers in need.

You're done. Simple actions you can practice every day to improve your quality of life depending on use and those persons who come into contact. These are the active 12-step simple word.

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The dangers of addiction

Addiction is a chronic disease that has no cure. With proper treatment can be stopped the progression and recovery in the course has started. A large proportion of physical and psychological dependence can take years to heal and some desires are never fully healed. Furthermore, relapse can occur at any time in recovery.

Addiction, physical or psychological dependence that adversely affect a person's life and the lives of their loved ones. They are usually related to drugs and alcohol, but many other dependencies are known and studied, including dependence on controlled substances and prescription drugs. the food and gambling addictions are more examples of psychological dependence that can not come to mind right away.

Alcohol and drug addiction are chronic and progressive primary disease. They can be transformed into "packages" emotional state and where> Addiction are intertwined with each other, for example, alcoholism and depression, anxiety disorders and prescription drugs as narcotic, cocaine addiction and bipolar disorder, and countless other combinations. Addiction to alcohol and / or drugs can also cause many physical problems and diseases of the body's largest filter of the liver.

Everyone has some kind of addiction, but some addictions are obviously more dangerous than others.Today, TV, video games and Internet addiction are the norm.

Unfortunately, until the individual is willing to help, the amount of support or treatment does not cure addiction. Even with the best efforts are addictions, destructive forces that rob men, women (and sometimes children) of the main elements of life. However, there is hope for recovery with appropriate treatment and services.

We have shown that the remediesRecovery saves lives and families, and that appropriate responses to addiction saves the company millions of dollars.

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Self-Esteem and Addiction Recovery - The name of the game

In my opinion, self-esteem is the most important thing that we as human beings. We can not be purchased anywhere, no one else can give us, and without them our lives much more difficult. If you are looking for reports dealing with any type of addiction such as alcohol or drug abuse, eating disorders, smoking, gambling, Internet addiction, compulsive overspending or know your opinion about self-financing able to climb a hugeDifference to the quality of your recovery from this behavior.

In fact, I often called self-respect "is the name of the game" because it is integral and essential part of living a healthy emotional life. Once you understand the meaning and learn to develop it, we never without self-respect.

But unfortunately many people do not think their self-respect - did not examine whether they have it, or wants or needs more of it, or whatthey can do to achieve it.

I think it worth our time to explore what it means to be healthy self-esteem, and what we can to improve and expand the self-respect that we already have.

Most of us are aware that we want to be treated with respect by other people. Probably never upset, angry or hurt if someone so disrespectful to you, because you feel as if that person does not have sufficient value to treat you right.

Self-esteem:What exactly is it?

Self-esteem works the same way as the respect of others. If you value yourself enough to treat yourself well, you will act in a decent way. If you're good to themselves in a healthy and clear limits as determined, say "No" when necessary, taking good care of your physical, emotional and spiritual, and starts to their major needs for the needs of others if necessary, then is exercisedSelf-respect.

And you will notice that others take for its conclusions, in terms of how to relate to you. For example, if the person you're speaking in a derogatory and were put down to me, probably think less of you. However, if they see you value yourself and your life this way, you probably value more than good.

As Dr. Phil so aptly reminds us: "We teach people how others treat us."

Self-respect is rooted inCHILDHOOD

The way you treat yourself to the roots often messages that have given of themselves during childhood. The way they were treated by your parents, guardians, siblings, teachers and even your friends have led you to believe that either were not worthy of value or worth. And you probably have the same beliefs about yourself in your adult relationships, dying, how do you deal with in the present.

But notWe continue to believe something about you that is not true!

Of course, precious and special and unique - You have always been, and this goes for all of us. If you make the decision and allow yourself the truth about who you are rather than what someone else might think of you, you have to think about the meaning of self-respect.

Self-esteem and addictive behavior

terms of our self-destructive addiction.

Are you strugglingwith an addiction of any kind, you know what I mean. At one level, you are aware that every time you indulge in this behavior, you feel badly about yourself. You know that is actually doing what you want, and you better about themselves inside would be to stop when it feels.

For many people with substance abuse, low self-esteem has become a part of life - you may not even be aware of how different life could be for you if you can changehow you act and how you feel about yourself. Life is much better when we respect ourselves!

Self-respect is earned

Here is a simple lesson is to see how well it indulges in connection with your self-esteem. Ask yourself this question, and be willing to look honestly at your answers:

"What should I do or what I should do it, be able to look myself in the mirror and all right, who do I see?"

Every time I ask to hear that question for youtrue answer, and indeed the basic behavior of what you hear. If you do this regularly, you build your self esteem. This is the name of the game, and will be the basis for all interactions, if you know who they are or not.

This can make a difficult change for you, but. If you're used to please others instead of themselves, for example, your challenge to learn how to do that before you feel guilty, without a lie or "selfish." But if youremains in first place and others feel bad about yourself to do this your self esteem suffer.

So here is the choice of the point - what is important to you: with people like you and yourself alone?

Every time you make the decision of how in spite of all the possible negative consequences of another, you deserve a little 'more than your self-esteem.

Another perspective might be useful

Learning to be treated with greater respectChange your life. They experience a profound change in how you see your life as your place in the world. Their relationships with other healthy people than we enjoy a healthy start. Although nobody's life is always "perfect" life with self-respect is not negotiable, the more consistently live a rich and fulfilling life.

If you have trouble believing in yourself and indulge in self-respect, you can talk tosome of your trusted friends or get to a qualified therapist for help. This might help to discover what keeps you away from giving up your own models of self-sabotage.

must want to do or what you need to do this not to be able to look honestly at themselves and feel happy with who you are - remember, it all starts with you?

This is the name of the game!

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Depression and gambling addiction

Game addiction is a source of depression? Or ... Depression does not cause this problem. This is a classic case of what comes first .. the chicken or the egg. After working as a consultant for 10 years in the mid-eighties to early nineties, both illnesses have always been separate. I could never understand, because both are so deftly interwoven. How can you separate the two diseases?

And ... How can you really trying to understand what has happened before.

Anyone with aThe problem of the game that every life has consequences, is surely going to experience depression.

In the "winning phase" ... if the player is to win and still in its glory, the depression does not exist side by side. However, once the addiction progresses and the person begins to lose money, personal debt, and, emotional, social and physical consequences are depression to be sure.

It was the person in trouble with the first game of a pain? Perhaps they could bedown before the addiction .. and maybe not. The bottom line is that the person is safe with gambling problems, depression directly related strongly to the consequences of gambling.

It 'difficult to separate gambling and depression, because addiction is a lonely, isolating, demoralizing disorders. Depression is the same kind of quality.

gambling addiction and the stress and chaos caused in life can lead toDegradation, lack of sleep, hopelessnes, weakness, loss of self-esteem, sadness and suicidal thoughts. It 's very difficult to separate from game addiction and depression. This dependence is a very depressing discomfort.

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The on-line advice for problems of addiction to drugs and alcohol effective

The answer to the question in the title of this article is: "Yes, but with the need to limit the online help to understand".


The words "alcohol dependence" or "dependence" are often used without a definition. Therefore, we must first define some terms. Since this article alcohol or drug abuse means that a person has alcohol or other drug substance reaches the point that the person can not be used, the loss of control over the use and / or may not, withoutTo use without adverse effects on important areas of life. The addicted person has developed a physical or psychological dependence on the substance. An addict will continue to issue facing the negative consequences of use.

The term alcohol or drug addiction is often used synonymously with dependence but here I used the term to indicate the dependence physical dependence on a substance, which means that the use of the substance will result in arrestWithdrawal symptoms. A person can develop the substance, without a development of addiction, the best example of this would be sufficient physical dependence, the person takes a morphine narcotic analgesics (painkillers such as oxycodone or) until your doctor has prescribed one of the physically dependent drug, a natural, inevitable consequence of chronic use of this drug. In such circumstances, abruptly stop using the substance in the cause withdrawal symptomsinvolved typical for the class of substance. Most people with addiction (eg., Alcoholism) are not physically dependent on their drugs and not by real physical and complete withdrawal of the substance. However, you will experience cravings, sleeplessness and other symptoms caused by their psychological dependence on drugs.


Alcohol or other drug problems fall into two diagnostic categories: abuse or dependence (as I said, how oftenDependence). Abuse in practice means the person is a model developed for the use of the substance in the face of adverse consequences for significant areas of life (medical, financial, legal, problems in relationships. Addiction) are summarized in the first paragraph of this article.


Alcoholism and other drug users are devastating diseases that have a negative impact on those affected and those that are important to them, physically, emotionally andmentally and spiritually. For those diagnosed with full blown addiction, are in favor of an abstinence-based treatment model, which is a basic model of which the last (it may take a little 'time there, learning) goal is abstinence from alcohol consumption or other drugs. The model should include education, cognitive behavioral therapy, counseling and the use of twelve-step (eg AA) spiritual principles enshrined. Online addiction treatment may be useful to themselves and / or as part of a treatment completeProgram, the traditional face-to-face counseling and other therapeutic interventions include.

Treatment of severe drug

Successful treatment of adults with alcohol or other drugs may require a complete treatment program, with experts of the service provided face to face. This treatment would be offered by online addiction treatment. This comprehensive program should be composed of experts from manyDiscipline. Employees, physicians are faced with medical problems such as withdrawal, professionals such as psychiatrists or psychological health treat this co or pre-existing psychiatric disorders are psychologists who can, that, and last but not least, certified addiction counselors license, preferably large number of them are in recovery. Such a treatment program should also individual and group counseling, educational groups, and equally importantone of the treatments, access to twelve-step self-help groups Alcoholics Anonymous, as, Narcotics Anonymous, Al-Anon and Nar-Anon (for loved ones), and ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics), to name a few.

An assessment will indicate the extent of treatment required. This assessment can be made online by a qualified consultant dependency.

Online advice or treatment

Online help for people with full-blown addiction problems can be useful, butAddiction illustrated the comprehensive programs are needed in the treatment of severe depending on the severity of the problem. A comprehensive assessment of the dependent person is required. This assessment can be done online, leading to recommendations for appropriate treatment.
People who are already involved in each phase (intensive outpatient, continuing care, assistance) of traditional treatment programs, online services as a complement to the treatment and useThis twelve-step program. People who have completed traditional treatment can also benefit from these services.

Addicted Loved Ones a person

Spouses, lovers, friends, colleagues, parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, to name but a few may worry that the person you care for them, an alcohol or other drug problems are. If adult children are a parent concerned about the use of the term "adult child of an alcoholic or drug addict" (ACOA) may apply.People close to an individual with drug problems or alcohol need to do their natural feelings of confusion, pain, anger and loneliness to help. Online services provide support, education and recommendations on these topics.


People with severe emotional or psychiatric (such as, but not limited to, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia), not by traditional stabilized by treatment with a qualified mentalThe doctors are not suitable for their help on-line, and should seek help from professionals access to online services. These patients, when stabilized by appropriate treatment, benefit from advice on-line.
People who are depressed and thought to harm themselves or others should not be used to help and immediate assistance by calling a crisis line in the emergency room of a hospital or other immediate assistance. ThisThe patients, when stabilized by appropriate treatment, will also benefit from online counseling
People who need to have a pattern of dependence with the drug daily or almost face to face assessment and treatment service providers access to doctors and other potential problems with the withdrawal, to accompany the first physical address related dependency use of online services.

1. By its nature, may be interrupted by Internet Consultingtechnological difficulties beyond the control of both the consultant or the client. Before services are provided, the customer must provide alternative methods to contact the consultants should give the customer service problems (for example, a public library). The consultant must be committed, if the technical difficulties arising from his personal computer or other Internet connection, the consultants have alternate access to the Internet are available.
2. The visualand auditory signals provided during face-to-face counseling are obviously not in Internet consulting. E 'therefore important that both the client and the consultant diligent in seeking clarification of any communication, if necessary.
3. Members are employees at the beginning of the relationship advice to help clients identify local services, therapists and other treatment, including crisis.
4. The consultant shall dependenceGuarantees to keep the information confidential and protected by our customers from unauthorized access. Client information, including the history, diagnosis, treatment recommendations and progress should be the counselor's eyes only. No one else should have access to this information. The information must be protected to a CD for one year after the counseling relationship has been terminated, or restricted for a longer or shorter by the customer.

In the circumstances outlined inthese articles, people online counseling or drug abuse or alcohol dependence can be effective.

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If a game is not treated, can lead to problems of many lives

If you or a loved one has a problem with gambling, you can probably understand the title of the article. If left untreated, serious gambling habit or severe gambling addiction can be a tremendous pain to create for the player or the player's family.

What if this dependence should be treated? Doing things remain the same for the player, or worse? Research has shown that things are actually worse for the players. Every aspect of life can begin to declinein all areas of life of the player.

The regions of the player's life is affected employee's social, emotional, physical, emotional, mental and financial life. All these aspects of life be affected when the players play more obsessive and compulsive. This can really understand a high burden and demoralization.

Social Aspects:
The person with the gambling problem begins to lose friends because gambling is theprimary relationship. Social isolation is done with families, friends, and a sense of community is dimininished.

If this dependence is treated, the emotional consequences are enormous. Out of control gambling contributes to depression, anxiety, sadness, and indifference in the players addicted. Depression, stress and anxiety can be so strong as to lead to suicide. Gambling has the highest suicide rate of all the many dependenciestimes.

Substantive issues:
The physical consequences of a gambling disease untreated is a cause for concern. If a person is obsessed with the game and has a compulsive gambling addiction, this can affect the physical health of players. Usually, when someone has neglected to carry out all aspects of their health is addictive. Players of health 'deteriorated, resulting in a lack of self-care, depression, poor diet and lack of sleep.

The consequences of gambling are not covered are many mentally for the player. Lack of motivation can affect, indifference and lack of concern for the important things that a compulsive gambler. When a person is in the grip of an addiction, does not think rationally. The main obsession is gambling, or the player can place his next bet. If this happens, the thinking is impaired, and values. It 'hard to think rationally and intellectually clear whenThe most important thing is sitting in front of a slot machine.

Spiritual aspects:
If a person is struggling with a serious gambling problem, their spiritual life is really interested. If a person is spiritual, there is a connection between the person and the world around them. Spirituality can also be a relationship with a higher power or a power greater than themselves. This can not happen in the grip of an addiction to gambling, as the primary relationship with theGambling itself.

Financial implications:
The financial consequences of the disease is not treated, the game is enormous and can not be underestimated. The devastation is too large to describe the number of players in heavy gambling debts, but I really incomprehensible. Many players and their families have lost their homes and maxed out credit cards. Failure is very common for those associated with a gambling problem.

It is hoped that these consequences of gamblingThe problems may help you understand how a life of dependence can be treated has the power to destroy.

Fortunately there is help for an addiction to gambling and people can play to stop and resume his life. The downward spiral of this dependence is to be stopped really playing with the right help.

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The causes of addiction

There is much debate about the causes of addiction. - There are two components of dependence physical dependence and psychological dependence - it is likely that many risk factors for addiction. In the case of certain drugs such as heroin or methamphetamine, almost every person who comes into contact, is addictive. On the other hand, dependence, such as shopping or eating correctly by most of The Usedpopulation and some are only for addiction.

The following risk factors for developing addictions are involved:

Genetics: It is assumed that addictions such as alcoholism can be inherited. People from families with a history of alcoholism are more likely to develop the disease. Even in families with a history of any type of drug dependence are individuals more likely to develop another form. ToFor example, someone from an alcoholic family develop a problem with compulsive overeating or workaholism. While environmental factors can affect individuals who have alcoholic parents were raised by e-addicted individuals still show a high risk of developing an addiction itself.

Environment: raised by drug addicts or alcoholic parents, children are more acceptable view of drug abuse or certain behaviors, such as that rather, they fall into the same addiction. people from countries where the use of a particular substance or involvement in addictive behavior are frowned upon or become difficult to show a significant lower incidence of dependence and have indicated possible environmental factors.

ABUSE: People who have experienced sexual abuse, psychological, emotional or physical rather than becoming addicted. The addiction becomes a coping mechanism that helps> Flashback Addicts are dealing with strong negative emotions about the abuse, the feelings of a serious lack of self-esteem, and possible.

Emotional disorders: emotional disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder often increase the risk of drug abuse and addiction, particularly in the face to those diagnosed or misdiagnosed. Individuals often use drugs, alcohol, diet, exercise, or work asway they treat themselves and avoid the symptoms of their disease.

Substance: Any other addictive substances, and the risk of dependence on adults is greater for drugs such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, or their ability to create, depending on usage, after only a few.

Low Frustration Tolerance: A factor types are common among addicts of all is a low tolerance to frustration. Drug addicts are very vulnerable tonegative effects of stress, distress often experienced on a relatively low level of frustration. I'm just excited to daily stress, creating a need to escape. You can find this escape into addiction.

These are all factors to which dependence occurs. there is no absolute solution when dissecting the causes of addiction. Today there are many options for alcoholics or drug addicts who want to stop Alland stand still.

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Addiction Treatment - Help is not far

Addiction is a mental disorder more harmful than a person can occur. It can lead to neglect their health, family and friends and can lead to death. Drinking it can develop from relatively simple tasks such as, Internet shopping and restaurants, or other non-so-simple tasks such as smoking, sex and gambling. Addiction is characterized by the inability to stop a harmful behavior, although has consequences. Aways to stop an addictive behavior is the dependence of advice.

Addiction counseling is a type of mental health treatment, the obsession is focused on a patient to overcome a psychological dependence or compulsion. In addition, the company should understand the process, dependency and its effects on patients, their family, e. In more serious cases of addiction, treatment is often carried out in consultation for medical care and other forms of.

L 'first step in the treatment of addiction is to recognize what kind of drugs the patient is suffering. The primary forms of addiction, physical dependence, emotional dependence and psychological dependence. However, there are many substances, activities or concepts that a person may be employed. These materials and activities to bring joy or relief, first of daily life, but as more patients fall into addiction, these things are harmful.The diagnosis can be very difficult because people can be physically, emotionally and psychologically dependent on the same time.

Professionals specializing in addiction counseling and advice are usually referred to therapists or counselors. Their main task is to addicts understand their basic needs and help them to life with the hope of addressing the main reason for their addiction. Consultancy gives patients the opportunity to rebuild their self-esteem andSelf-esteem. Another important role of the consultant is to identify the potential problems of addictive disorders mimic medical or psychological. They also saw the potential for dependence and medical problems may accompany the psychological, dass For example, even deal with many addicts, addiction, masking a deeper problem as their ADHD or bipolar disorder.

Consultants and other problems related to addictionFamily, education, employment, mental health, physical health, spirituality, and legal issues. Patients and health professionals work together to develop ways to achieve the desired result of counseling.

Addiction treatment is not closed to the treatment of drug users only. E 'is also suitable for people who have been affected by the other person dependence. The other "victim" is the typical family, friends, employees or partners of drug users. These people, by the pressurethe addict to have similar addictive behavior. The treatment of such cases may include group or individual counseling sessions, one or three times a week, hospital stays, rehabilitation services and inpatient and outpatient care. Consultations and discussions about education on addiction, support, planning strategies, evaluate progress, referrals and recommendations. Treatment depends depending on the length of a particular behavior or substance thatThe patient is willing to co-existing complications and environmental influences.

Many studies have been conducted to compare the disturbances, the effectiveness of counseling and intervention for the treatment of drug-dependent. Results, the common drug-tobacco, alcohol and drug counseling is as good as or better than drugs.

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Bailout Food Addiction - Part One

One of the problems with the food addiction is that it is a very personal compulsion. In contrast to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or food is needed by the body for survival. What makes it unique in the world of drug addiction.

Desire to eat something can always start at any age, for any reason. One thing, though for all. The demand is real and it is always participated stress.

What food do you turn when stressed? E 'candy or chocolateor a bear claw or potato chips or ice cream? These are among the first choices for relief from an attack of compulsive eating.

But this is not the time to fight fire with fire. benefits regardless of what foods you crave when you are able to relieve stress in different ways to eat the food that you want to avoid.

What I mean to say to avoid this? Do not keep them at home or in car or in some hidden place where they can get there quickly. Do not worryReplacing something healthy when an asset is not used for food.

Unlike other addictions, including food cravings pass. If you go to a store to buy the food you want instead of reaching for the glove compartment or in a secret compartment in your purse or briefcase, the demand has often exceeded before it can come with him.

After all, stress is the emotional stress that the desire arises. If the voltage is reduced, there is agood possibility that I will also weaken.

If a trigger event strikes emotional and feelings take over addiction, you have no time to think about what you should do next thought. Do not panic. Rescue Plan prepared if you have a food addiction and are in place, you know exactly what to do.

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Relationship dependency and addiction counseling Co

Relationship addiction is increasingly recognized as an increasingly serious problem requires careful co-dependency counseling. Co-dependency is usually means two parties in a relationship based on mutual dependency. Most reports have a common level of healthy addiction. However, some relationships are addictive, toxic and extremely unhealthy to the point where the dependency ratio begins a negative effect on both parties.

What isCo-dependency?

Relationship of dependency or addiction-Co, if one or both people in a relationship with other employees literally. Drugs, compulsive behavior or other destructive habits can be a person in a relationship with the other person so acting on co-dependency.

Often when a person has a close relationship, whether it is friendship, a romantic relationship, a family member or spouse, if theother half of this relationship began, has in some way, this person will destroy co-dependency. Some even believe that it is the inevitable consequence of an obsessive and compulsive behavior of one person - to give people close to them co-dependent.

For some, the dangers of co-dependency, life is anything but easy and free. This is a mandatory prison of fear, obsession and compulsion. Void of freedom of choice, co-dependency to self-care and driven helpless andControl the other person in the relationship. A search for the confirmation and total dependence on another person for a reason to do something crazy and leads to instability.

Many relationships are mutually interdependent. Both parties are the other half of the partnership are addictive and almost as one person. Co-workers have a dependency relationship can be found in the personality of other people to sacrifice their own preferences, Taste and welfare of their investment safe from harm. manage co-dependent to be satisfied that they are happy - this nod to the other person needs and wants to make them happy, but in reality it is driven by a terrible fear of rejection and fear of loss of that person.

The treatment of co-dependency

Normally a person will need treatment for co-dependency, addiction or relationship problems have other addictions such as drugs or foodDisorders>. Co-dependency, alcoholism is considered a disease of drug addiction in the same way o. It is a disease and obsessive compulsive disorder, characterized by a power and behavior without consequences. There is no cure but can help a recovery program to stop co-dependence of their condition and begin a life together piece, which, of course, love and affection.

Treatment of co-dependency is usually done when a person asks for help and another addictionhis co-dependency is a serious problem. Usually when a person manifests illness, addiction, if not a destructive behavior, another, and this can often be co-dependency. However, there are those who seek the help of co-dependency alone as the only dependencies that have to fight them.

the beginning of recovery for a co-dependency, the dependency of a person will need to be completely independent of the person they depend on. Evenif the person is the subject of a co-dependent control of what they are employees, the problem depends on cooperation. Determine the withdrawal of the person is not a cure by any means and it is unusual for a person in a relationship, cut the other half and have never seen again.

What must change

The behavior is addiction, and once the person who is able to abstain from addictive behaviors, deeper questions can be explored in therapyand co-dependency counseling.

In a treatment center, a co-employee typically receive tips on 00:59 basis and group therapy. A good recreation program every day is a twelve-step program, where the co-dependence, daily meetings, work with a sponsor who is more experienced in the recovery can take steps to work and trust in a higher power.

Self-love is extremely important for a co-dependency, the creation of an increasingly healthy and capable of having relationships with non-toxicagain. A healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise is important in the process of co-dependence of self-esteem and independent person, as an important aspect of a person who is growing self-confidence.

Co-dependency can a person that their life for another, in the sense that every inclination of who they are and what they do in their lives. The end result may be co-dependency, as a shell with no control over their feelings or actions and is aheart-rending spectacle. But with treatment, therapy, a healthy lifestyle and a daily program of recovery, and his mind can heal the dependence arrested so they can go to the relationships are healthy and productive.

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Myths - Addiction

There are many myths about addiction. This is my attempt to clarify some of them.

A myth is quite popular this is a positive affirmation that the dependencies are good for you. There is no such thing as a positive addiction, addictions are self-destructive and always lead to negitive effects.

Myth number two and is probably the largest, some substances are addictive. Well, yes, if you change this sentence, some substances* * * May * or may be addictive. Ill explain. After surgery, patients are sometimes allowed to self-administer morphine. Morphine is the medical form of heroin. But most people who depend on morphine, not to expire after the operation. Millons of people who smoked marijuana. Relatively few who use it, use it to the point of abuse. Almost everyone has a drink before. But few acually become alcoholics, because if. And what about sex? 99 percent of us have sex at some point in our lives, and many We are constantly having sex, but we are currently developing an addiction. And finally, millions of people with cocaine, crack and other hard drugs tested. Many employees, but not all.

The point is that people do not nessacarly a substance because the substance can be addictive, but because of their choice. We all have a choice of substances. Many of us have some form of a "junkie" looking substance or activity, but many of us remain> Addiction free. Although our brain desires of a branch of our brain to develop created. This dependence is because certian drug activities and uneven levels of chemicals that produce make us feel good. Then stop over time our body produces naturally, and then we crave the drug, which has succeeded again. Will power and self-respect and control are stronger at the beginning of every employee. And we all have the ability to change our behavior. Substances not accepted and you are addicted to act more: Cars do go and read books they do.

If all those who have consumed too much dependence on an addictive substance? Do not bother nessacarly studies have shown that addiction can be hereditary. We know that this does not occur at all, no more diabetes occurs in people who eat much sugar or food. In many cases, genetics is a factor in determining who develops the> Disorder.

Addiction can be hereditary. This myth is a bit 'true. There is evidence that some people "have an" addictive personality or certain personality traits that could be a drug addict. We have dependencies, some features of genes and have shown that some genes are inherited. This means that addiction is hereditary? Maybe. There are thousands of people who have addiction and their parents had never been. ManyPeople and children to have a serious addiction, and children do not form an addiction. That said, the sick, you can decide whether addiction is hereditary.

Id like to share a story guide to coincide with these myths.

I took a personality test of a government, and the results came back normal. The doctor told me some things, and brought an important element to my attention, I scored in the high dependency trends tests. ThisThe information was recorded by a computer program, I responded to a 1000 different questions, and calculates the results. He also warned me of my potental to addiction and said that I am aware of my actions in the future. Now I have completely ignored this advice, and thanked him for the same. I can honestly say that I never had a problem with addiction before in my life. I'm young, but has smoked for 3 years (especially the popularity in school) and at the endI just thought it was harmful. I also drank alcohol, for many nights. I have often been drunk, but I do not have a problem. I rarley drink, as it is now. I also tried coke has done, and regularly for 2 months in combination with the "binge drinking". This was two months after my eighteenth birthday. Since I havnt touched coke at all and I will probally never. I smoked crack too many times and have experienced withdrawls light and a slight dependence. Even aftersmoking crack, I could stop if it starts to become a problem and I've never dropped a bit 'out of control. I have experienced just lived a little 'and learned. Now, years later, havnt done drugs and only drink socially. I know smoke pot and again, but not to the point of abuse. In the future I could go back to drugs, I could, but the motivation to live a normal happy way to ease my addiction and health is becoming a problem for me.

In allid like to emphasize that addiction is scientifically proven to control subconscious occurring areas of the brain is not under conscious. Addiction is a brain disease has no cure, but medical treatment. Drug addicts are normal people every day with a problem not dissimilar (MPD multiple personality disorder), bi-polar disorder or other diseases. Addiction and Recovery can be a positive and productive life can be achieved. L 'Drug use is your choice for initally. Dependency is unavoidable, the choice is yours.

Directory of Addiction [http://www. Addiction]

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The signs and symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)

body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a type of anxiety disorder in which people have a distorted body image. Originally thought more women than men, this condition affects both men and women in reality. The researchers suggest that body dysmorphic disorder is a genetic basis associated with a chemical imbalance in the brain may have the A.

BDD can lead to depression and suicide drive affected. This article shows how to recognize signs and Symptoms of BDD to better protect yourself and your loved ones.

People who first try BDD medical and psychiatric care instead of heading directly for a plastic surgeon. Some people suffer only mild symptoms, but others experience debilitating symptoms of depression and anxiety. Cosmetic surgery and treatments to undergo a kind of addiction for these people.

Some of the signs and symptoms of Body Dysmorphic> Disorder include

excessive grooming
control over appearance in a mirror
do their best to hide perceived imperfections
often compares the appearance of the perceived deficiency with the incidence of other
paralyzing feelings of self-consciousness on the alleged error
constantly looking for other assurance as they look
As cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery can worsen body dysmorphic disorder.can begin after a cosmetic procedure, the person to focus on another area of the body and trying to operate the new "default" to be corrected. Some patients with BDD can blame the surgeon to do their worst and may even be violent against the surgeons.

BDD is a potentially fatal disease and must be taken seriously. If you suspect you or a family member may suffer from BDD, be treated by a doctor or a psychiatrist. FirstCosmetic surgery, if you have BDD is no different than a drug addict taking drugs if he or she suffers from withdrawal symptoms with medication.

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Addiction Recovery Measurement & the seven dimensions of the model

The introduction of a multidimensional measurement model for the recovery of Addiction

The sun was probably revolve around the earth for 1500 years. Only a European astronomer named - Nicolaus Copernicus first modern heliocentric theory of the solar system, we have begun to change our thinking formulated. This insight ultimately led to a paradigm shift in astronomy and physics. Every model or viewpoint for recovery maintains the integrity and the importance ofits position, often to the exclusion of other explanations. For example, there are recovery models and theories: biological, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual able to explain all human behavior. Unfortunately, these factors may also "blind" to their followers to alternative interpretations, until some new evidence is obtained that solves the problem is not resolved. My hope is that the 7 - Dimensions recovery model for the dependencyThe measure is a step towards a type of "Copernicus" paradigm.

Since human behavior is so complex, try to understand the reasons for using more people and / or abuse themselves with drugs and / or dependencies maladaptive behaviors, to the point of developing self-destructive behaviors and / or other lifestyle or dysfunction is itself enormous damage difficult to achieve. Many researchers therefore prefer to talk about risk factors, mayHelp but not enough to cause addiction. They indicate an eclectic approach to bio-psycho-social, which includes the multi-dimensional interactions of genetics, biochemistry, psychology, socio-cultural and spiritual influences.
Risk factors / contributing factors / influences:

1. Genetics (family history) - is known to play a role in causing susceptibility through biological pathways such as metabolism and sensitivity to alcohol and / or other drugs or playaddictive behaviors.

2. Biochemistry - the discovery of morphine-like substances called endorphins (runners, etc.) and the so-called "way of pleasure" - the path of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine (MCLP). This is the center of the brain or any anatomical location, the base dependencies for alcohol and other drugs stimulate to produce euphoria - the objective to achieve the desired time (tolerance - loss of control -Cancellation request).

3. Psychological factors - personality traits that susceptibility to the development of stress, and the desire for power reduction and symptom of various mental health problems and traumatic life experiences.

Our current healthcare system is set up to focus on acute care rather than chronic diseases. It focuses on a single model in which the syndrome only addressed the marker for the success of specific treatment or symptom reduction. Healthcare consumers are increasinglyThe commitment to a multi-dimensional model considers a number of domains of life that affect the operation of the patient treatment progress. Busy-based meta-analysis also determined the predictive power of working life variables and the results have implications for treatment planning on a uniform that has little empirical support to predict. Accurate diagnosis is also dependent on a thorough evaluation of the multi-dimensional process with the help of a possible multidisciplinary treatment team approach. Behavioral Medicine physicians have recognized that although disturbance may be primarily physical or primarily psychological in nature, is always a failure of the whole person - not just the body or mind.

American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)

The American Society of Addiction Medicine (2003), "Patient Placement Criteria for the treatment of related substances> Disorders, 3rd Edition "of procedures to set standards for the treatment of addiction to recognize a multidimensional, biopsychosocial assessment. ASAM has developed the following six dimensions specifically for the field of addiction with the aim of providing medical assistance in the process decision-making guidelines for the positioning of the patient:

1. Acute intoxication and / or withdrawal potential

2. Biomedical conditions and complications

3. Emotional /behavioral problems and complications

4. Treatment acceptance / resistance

5. Relapse / continued use potential

6. Recovery Environment

The ASAM dimensional descriptions have been developed to assess) the severity of illness (alcoholism / drug addiction. The severity of the disease level is then used, the type and intensity of treatment to determine the lead position to play in four levels of care help. should include the estimated size if the applicationactivities of daily living significantly alter the patient's impaired or distracted by abstinence, recovery and / or stability of treatment goals and efforts.

Seven dimensions of the model

In 2004, Addictions Recovery Measurement System (ARMS) has been issued - describes the following seven life-size operating activities for therapeutic outcome measures progress. As shown below, do the ASAM (disease severity), the dimensions are not the competitionseven "Life feature" size, but add depth description of abstinence / Relapse - Dimension 7. Each of the seven dimensions identified evaluation criteria:

1. Social / Cultural - Dimension

2. Medical / Physical - Dimension

3. Mental / Emotional - Dimension

4. Educational / Health and Safety - Dimension

5. Spiritual / Religious - Dimension

6. Legal / Financial - Dimension

7. Abstinence / Relapse -Size

a. acute intoxication and / or withdrawal potential

b. Biomedical conditions and complications

c. Emotional / behavioral conditions and complications

d. Treatment acceptance / resistance

e. Relapse / continued use potential

f. Recovery Environment

Note: These seven dimensions have been described) in 2005 in the book, Poly-behavioral Addiction and Drug Addiction Recovery Measurement System (Slobodzien.

The 7- Dimension recovery model is not on an extended version of the ASAM dimensions. As mentioned above, was initially developed to measure progress of the patient, assessing therapeutic life-functioning activities. Research shows that may be effective as a generalized model for the use of all pathological diseases, disorders and disabilities. It is multidimensional assessment / treatment includes the internal interconnection of multiple dimensions of biomedical to the spiritual - simultaneously influence each other, taking into account the effects of feedback and the existence of any size. Because of the complexity of human nature, treatment progress must be initially designed and conducted by an individual treatment plan on a comprehensive assessment bio-psycho-social problems on the basis of the specific goals, objectives, methods and timetables for achieving the identified treatment goals.

Life-Style> Addiction may affect many areas of functioning of the individual and often require multimodal therapy. Goals of treatment are to reduce the use and effects of drugs or achievement of abstinence, reducing the frequency and severity of exacerbations and improve the social and psychological functioning. Real progress takes time, effort and discipline in thinking about them, planning to work the plan and monitoring results to prevent a relapse.It also requires appropriate measures and strategies to motivate all progress in the field of individual life.

7 - Size is a non-linear dynamics, non-hierarchical model that is similar to the interactions between multiple risk factors and situational determinants of catastrophe and chaos theories in predicting and explaining addictive behavior and relapse concentrated. Multiple influences trigger and operate in high-risk situations and influence the global multidimensionalOperation of an individual. The process involves repeated interaction between background factors (eg, family history, social support, addiction potential and annual co morbid psychopathology), physiological states (eg, the physical withdrawal), cognitive processes (eg self-efficacy, cravings, motivation, the abstinence violation effect, outcome expectations) and coping (Brownell et al, 1986;. Marlatt & Gordon, 1985). To put it simply, small changes in aindividual behavior may in large qualitative changes at the global level and global models of a system emerge solely from numerous little interactions. The clinical utility of the 7 - Dimensions recovery model is in its ability to support health professionals to quickly gather detailed information about an individual personality, background, substance use history, affective state, self-efficacy and coping strategies for prognosis, diagnosis, treatmentPlanning and outcome measures.

The 7 - Dimensions has been suggested that a synergy of multi-dimensional negative resistance that individual life has developed to offer some form of treatment to a single dimension of it, because the impact of their addiction have dynamically interacted multi-dimensionally. Once the fire is not enough in one dimension. Traditional drug treatment programs do not log onmultidimensional effects of an individual in synergy with multiple addictions (eg nicotine, alcohol and obesity, etc..) behavioral addictions interact negatively with each other and with strategies to improve the overall operation. They tend to promote the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, help to reduce violence, the functional capacity and promote social isolation. Most theories now include the treatment that has examined other dimensions identifiedDiagnosis or diagnosis co-morbidity, or to evaluate the factors that may play a dual role dependent on individuals. The size 7 "theory is that a multidimensional treatment plan must be developed coping dimension of possible multiple addictions identified for each of the life of each individual dimension for the development of specific objectives.

The 7 - Dimensions theory promotes a synergisticpositive effect that light and can free the human spirit when life increase the size of the functioning of a person in the system of balance. Reciprocity between spirituality and multi-dimensional progress of the operation life lay deeper inner self and the changes in behavior. Below the 7 - Dimensions supports the theory that the combination can increase the functioning of an individual and balanced life, a strong synergy of various sizes,homeostasis mentally tough and positive individual. Just as the combination of alcohol and drugs (eg Valium), if applicable) together, a synergistic effect (the effects of power do not add up, but multiplied and the results can develop into an unbalanced lifestyle or addiction, a treatment efficacy and positive results are the result of a synergistic relationship with "The Higher Power".

The 7 - Dimensions model acknowledges that the familyThe conditioning factors and genetic bio-psycho-social, historical, and development are difficult and sometimes impossible, to change within individuals. The values of performance-based dependency Measurement System Recovery is the philosophy of a biopsychosocial model of disease, this perspective focuses on a cognitive-behavioral therapy in an attempt to change maladaptive thinking and improve skills and behavior on issues of collection to solve a and plan for sustainable development. ManyConsumer Healthcare Recovery Services Addiction is a genetic pre-dispositional history for addiction. They have suffered, and the past experiences of traumatic life continue to suffer (eg, sexual, psychological and physical abuse, etc.) and often by factors of there are psychosocial stress (eg stress at work, family / marital problems, etc.), leaving them with intense emotions and confusion (eg anger, fear, bitterness, fear, guilt, sadness, loneliness, depression andThe feelings of inferiority, etc.), enhancing their already low self-esteem. The complex interaction of these factors, the individual with much deeper psychological problems with self-hatred, self-punishment, self-denial, low self-control to let a low self-esteem and low self-esteem of a serious condition, with a total (sometimes hidden) negative self-identity.

The 7 - Dimensions model combines a multidimensional force field analysis to identify specific problems of individualforce for good prognostic factors, bargaining behavior, and a token "as" - the points system of economy for this task. force field analysis is a process to determine when the judge a person's behavior, which are the main factors of addictive behavior and are the key forces of control and dependence. A plan will be implemented to identify the factors inhibiting positive force in some way to manipulate these forces to increaseThe probability that the transition behavior to a person in a direction of pro-social recovery. Kurt Lewin (1947), which originally developed the Force Field Theory argues that there is a problem in balance held together by the interaction of two opposing groups of forces - those to promote change (driving forces) and those who seek the status quo (restraining forces to maintain). Any social event occurs at a certain frequency in a particular social context and the frequency of occurrence is dependentreduce forces on the event and strength of the event. At any time there is a "semi-stable equilibrium", the frequency of social events is the same, provided that there remain no change in the number and composition of the forces acting on the social event of increase or modification of the forces acting on to reduce the event. The balance in both directions, increasing the frequency or intensity changes the wayor braking forces and creating a corresponding increase or decrease in the rate of individual behavior "addictive."

The long term goal is the highest function of optimal health of consumers, not the mere absence of disease or reduce symptoms. The short-term goal is to accommodate the health care system and to assimilate, to change a multi-dimensional perspective of health care. The 7 - Dimensions model addresses low self-esteem -common - denominator "through the creation of value set and achieve goals, and monitoring 'dependence on performance of individual success.

Also, if you consider that the fields employed include balanced lifestyle, in semi-stable equilibrium force on 7 - promotes a degree in philosophy that there is a synergistic effect spiritual and supernatural, occurs when individuals in a ' increased operating life of more dimensions are ahuman homeostatic system. This spiritual connection bilateral reduces drag and increases the chaos to bring an individual harmony, wellness and productivity. The ARMS take an objective view of spirituality through the positive assessment of a person and / or negative spiritual and religious dimension of religious attitudes inventory (for instance, RAI is able to identify extremely unhealthy spirituality cult-like to the rigid and intolerant religious and militantOrthodoxy, practiced by some terrorists, etc..) Test results are integrated in the RAI-score prediction system.

The 7 - Dimensions model also supports twelve-step recovery groups such as Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous along with spiritual and religious recovery activities as a necessary means to maintain the efficacy results. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recent research results on the active involvement with AA / NAthe decisive factor for sustainable recovery


The 7 - size model does not claim the results are the panacea for the ills of addiction treatment and progress, but it is a step in the right direction to obtain a change in clinical practice, such as systems processing plant to be built by changing evidence-based research on effective interventions. The challenge for those interested in conducting evaluations of resultsImproving the quality of care is a system that their assessment procedures, treatment programs will be developed, and clinical treatment practices for understanding. With due care to maintain a uniform system of base-line results of the statistics for their treatment, the effectiveness of programs despite the results, they will be able to assess the effectiveness of treatment.

For more information:

Poly-behavioral Addiction and Addiction RecoveryMeasurement System (ARMS)
a: [. dependence html]


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